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How to get good keywords from GWT, now Google Search Console (GSC)

best free online keyword tool

Treated: How to get good keywords from gwt!

Recently, I noticed an incredible improvement in my search ranking as a result of studying GWT (now Google Search Console), discovering new good keywords and tweaking my articles for better results.

Keyword research is the most important and crucial step in any successful online campaign. While some users have opted to ignore Google natural traffic, I think it’s still important to know what’s in searchers’ mind each time they use Google.

Knowing how to do keyword research and often doing it before creating blog post determines how you will succeed in pulling search traffic to your blog. While we are advised to just flow in writing for human readers not search bot, we cannot completely neglect search spiders.

The recent updates in the search engine industry even makes it more interesting and simple. Search bots are no longer interested in keyword occurrences in your article.

They are looking and indexing semantic relevance. Searchers too have grown from typing single words in search boxes to asking questions and keying in conversational phrases. Look at this example;

From simple “free keyword tool” to a more conversational “what is the best free online keyword tool”

How to get good keywords from GWT -The best free online keyword tool?

I think Google Webmaster tools (Google Search Console) is the best and most recommended free online keyword research tool from an almost neglected perspective.

Generally, online marketers and bloggers often go looking for which keywords are pulling traffic to other websites, which keyword is ranking other websites on page #1, which keywords is not competitive, etc.  We concentrate on keywords that are working for others (and start competing with them) rather than looking for keywords that are already working for us and improve on them.

That’s the almost neglected perspective I underlined above – looking for keywords that are already working for us and tweaking for more results!

Google Webmaster Tools helps you in this;  Shows you keywords that are already pulling traffic to your blog so you can focus on them for a better search ranking and more natural traffic.

There are lots of things within your Google Webmaster Tools but I want to focus on 3 in this post;

  1. Which keywords are most searched that bring you more impressions with little traffic
  2. Which keywords are already pulling traffic to my blog
  3. Which blog posts are receiving traffic from these keywords

Knowing these points will help us do more keyword research and optimize our articles for more search traffic.

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How to get good keywords from gwt – Impressions and low clicks

Impressions are simply the number of times your entries show up on search engine result page. From your GWT, you find out that some keywords generate more impressions and low clicks. What’s the possible explanation?

Look at my example below. The keyword “Make Money blogging” generates over 1000k impressions and 1 clicks to 1 url during the last 30 days.

There is a simple reason for the low clicks – My entries don’t show up on Google page #1. According to this report, the average position on Google search result where my entry is found is 53, that’s from page #5.

With this information, I may want to do some more tweaking on this article – analyze competitor strength, add more materials to the article, more LSI keywords, build more backlinks and social signals, make the title and description more attractive, etc

Take a look at this screen…

The keyword atomic email hunter gets 282 impressions. That puts me on position 20+ with 1 click.

Now, I think these keywords are easy to rank on Google. Sometimes we run after popular keywords that are quite hard to rank for.

We can do better tweaking and trying to rank for these little known phrases. They are they low hanging fruits. You can easily do some optimization and shoot yourself to page 1.

From the example above, I can easily optimize the blog post that gets ranked for the keyword atomic email hunter and move up to page 1.

These are absolutely good keywords because I’m already getting some exposure from them. For the most part, the articles ranked were not originally optimized for these keywords. GWT is just being awesome by helping us discover what’s working for us.

Bottom line …

It’s possible to use Google Webmaster Tools as a free keyword tool to improve your search engine rankings.  How do you use this tool exactly?

Follow these steps;

Logon to your GSC account and click Search Results on the left menu. On the page that follows, click the “Impressions” tab to show by descending order – from the highest to the lowest.

To see the pages that show up on search result pages for each keyword, click the keyword in question.

That’s it!

Let’s engage! Now you know how to get good keywords from gwt so Speak your mind in the comment box below. What do you think about GSC being an important free keyword tool? Help share this article on social media for more exposure.

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