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Diablo Immortal Fishing Guide: A Step-by-Step Guide

Diablo Immortal Fishing Guide

Fishing is a new feature in Diablo Immortal that allows players to catch fish and earn rewards. Fish can be used to craft new items, upgrade existing items, or simply be sold for gold.

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about fishing in Diablo Immortal, from finding fishing holes to catching fish to earning rewards. We’ll also provide some tips and tricks to help you become a master fisherman.

So whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned angler, this guide is for you!

Diablo Immortal Fishing Guide

Fishing is a new feature in Diablo Immortal that allows players to catch fish and earn rewards. Fish can be used to craft new items, upgrade existing items, or simply be sold for gold.

How to Find Fishing Holes

To find fishing holes in Diablo Immortal, explore various locations throughout the world of Sanctuary. Keep an eye out for areas near rivers, lakes, or any body of water where fish are likely to thrive. Fishing holes are often visually distinct, with bubbling water or other indicators.

Equipping Your Fishing Rod

Before you can start fishing, you’ll need to equip a fishing rod. Fishing rods can be obtained by purchasing them from vendors or looting them from enemies and treasure chests. Look for fishing rods with bonuses to fishing skill or increased chances of rare catches.

Casting Your Line

Once you’ve found a fishing hole and equipped your fishing rod, it’s time to cast your line. Approach the fishing hole and interact with it. Select the “Cast Line” option to throw your bait into the water. Now, you’ll need to be patient and wait for a fish to bite.

Reeling in the Fish

When a fish bites, a prompt will appear on your screen. Quickly click on the prompt to begin reeling in the fish. Be prepared to react quickly, as some fish may require more effort to catch. Follow the on-screen instructions to successfully reel in the fish and add it to your collection.

Fishing Rewards and Other Loot

Fishing in Diablo Immortal not only yields fish but also provides opportunities to find other valuable items. Alongside fish, fishing holes can contain various treasures such as crafting materials, gems, and even legendary items. Make sure to explore different fishing locations to increase your chances of discovering rare loot.

Diablo Immortal Common Fish Locations:

here is a list of common fish locations in Diablo Immortal:

Ashwold Cemetery


Frozen Tundra

Haunted Hollow

Shattered Realm




Trials of the Mad King

Worldstone Keep

Pro Tips to Enhance Fishing in Diablo Immortal

Here are some additional tips to enhance your fishing experience in Diablo Immortal:


In conclusion, fishing in Diablo Immortal is an exciting and rewarding activity. By following the guide and tips provided in this article, you can become a skilled angler in the game. Catching fish not only allows you to craft new items and upgrade existing ones, but it also provides an opportunity to discover valuable treasures. So grab your fishing rod, explore the world of Sanctuary, and enjoy the serene and rewarding experience of fishing in Diablo Immortal.

FAQs About Fishing in Diablo Immortal

Q: How do I find fishing holes in Diablo Immortal?

A: Fishing holes can be found in various locations throughout the world of Sanctuary. Explore different areas and look for sparkling water to locate fishing holes.

Q: Where can I purchase fishing rods in Diablo Immortal?

A: Fishing rods can be purchased from vendors in various towns and cities. Look for NPCs selling fishing-related items.

Q: Can I fish in any location in Diablo Immortal?

A: While fishing holes can be found in different areas, some locations are better for fishing than others. Look for specific fishing spots indicated by sparkling water or signs of aquatic life.

Q: Are there different types of fish in Diablo Immortal?

A: Yes, Diablo Immortal features a variety of fish species. Each fish type has its own characteristics and can be used for different purposes.

Q: How can I improve my fishing skills in Diablo Immortal?

A: Fishing more often will increase your fishing skill over time. This will make it easier to catch fish and find rare items. You can also equip fishing gear to enhance your fishing abilities.

Q: What rewards can I earn from fishing in Diablo Immortal?

A: Fishing in Diablo Immortal can reward you with various items such as crafting materials, gems, legendary items, and of course, fish that can be used for crafting, upgrading, or selling.

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