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1 Reason Why it Pays to Create Content on Sites other than Your Blog

My blog is having issues now for some readers.

May be something acting up; blocking certain reader’s IP addresses so CDN images do not render. Or one of a billion other reasons.

As we find out the reason and fix it I have been promoting my Amazon eBooks, like this one:

7 Steps to Build a Full Time Income Earning Blog

Works together perfectly too; building a full time income through blogging is easier if you diversify. Adding income streams through your blog is one thing. Establishing income streams through various sites is another thing.

As my site is down now for some folks I decided to promote my Amazon eBooks, Selz course, Teachable Course and audio books, all of which appear not on Blogging From Paradise. Makes sense, right?

Some readers access BFP today. All good. Other readers who cannot access BFP – or a proper version – can buy my stuff on other sites.

This is why it pays to create on sites off of your blog.

Blog down? No worries. Direct readers to other sites. No big deal.


Beware attaching heavily to your blog as an end all be all solution. Beware making your blog the critical point in your sales funnel. When your blog goes down or has issues you are screwed because nobody can access the store of content, products and services only posted to your blog.

This is why putting your online store, videos, articles, products and services only on your blog is online suicide. Developers pitched this to me from time to time; I all but tell them they are mad.

Life intervenes. When my blog goes down or when some algorithm change on social reduces my blog traffic – see Facebook organic reach death of years ago – if I depend solely on my blog to drive traffic and business I am done.

But if I create 126 eBooks on Amazon, tons of audio books on Audible, iTunes and Amazon, paperbacks on Amazon and Create Space, courses on Selz and Teachable and then if I create free content on sites like:

I reach out to folks according to their medium of choice. I can help solve their blogging problems and call them into action to buy my premium offerings hosted on Amazon, iTunes, Audible, Selz, Teachable and other digital store fronts.

All goes smoothly, sales grow and I render helpful service even if BFP is having hiccups.

Do Not Cheap Out

Bloggers with a loser mentality hate giving up a commission to Amazon.

Some email me asking if it’s worth it to write an eBook for a 70% commission.

I respond answering how the 70% commission gives you access to millions of buyers around the world who can buy your stuff from around the globe while your website is down or having issues, or while your website is working properly, and if you create ample eBooks on Amazon – like my 126 eBooks – something neat happens; your creating and networking makes passive sales.

So instead of worrying over the past 2 days while my site has some issues I gave most attention and energy to promoting all the content and premium products I have offsite while creating helping content on those portals I mentioned above; the YouTubes and Facebook Live Broadcast deals.

Guest Posting

Ramp up your guest posting too guys.

Smart way to keep things moving if you have site problems.

Some folks just buy my eBooks through my guest posts, like my recent guestie on Janice Wald’s Mostly Blogging.

Sometimes I’m spreading the word on a helpful organizing technique like my recent post on Staff Projects.

Today I’m publishing my 500th guest post on Blogging Tips.

After having lunch with BT owner Zac Johnson a few years ago he underscored how generously guest posting on top blogs yields many benefits for both the guest blogger, the blog creator and their collective audiences.

I ran with his advice.

Sure hasn’t hurt me and you know how guest posting has benefited Zac.

Get offsite guys.

It literally pays to create on sites other than your blog.

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