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Rankinity Review – Tracking Website Ranking in Real Time!

rankinity review

In today’s Rankinity Review, we are looking at an exciting SEO tool that tracks your website ranking in Real Time.  That’s the particularity of this tool, which of course has a lot more functions to help you check your website positions and analyze your competitors in popular search engines.

As I play around this online SEO Tool, I found out it’s an efficient engine that addresses the needs of both SEO specialists and webmaster on a single platform.

SEO industry is very exciting and again, the most erratic in many ways. Today, you are on page #1 of search engines for one keyword and tomorrow, you are not. Without a proper tracking tool, you’re never going to know what’s happening and how to tap better results.

Since the fall if WebMeUp, I have been watching the rank tracking flap of SEO and some tools have popped up as alternatives to the disappeared WebMeUp. When I came across Rankinity, I said aha! another rank tracking tool but after a closer look, Rankinlity seems to be running ahead of its competitors with quite impressive innovations.

Rankinity Review – Rich features

Now, let’s look at some of the features that make Rankinity the SEO tool that you have to really try out

Real-time Operation in Rankinity

This is something I have not found in any other rank tracking tool. What happens is, once you have setup your project, you simply switch to the positions tab and see the data automatically updating as keywords are being checked by the service.

You don’t need to hit the refresh button or perform some more queries to see if the data has been updated.  Your data on the page updates automatically as changes take place in the search engine index. No need to reload page. Quite an innovation isn’t it?

Another area where the real-time operation is implemented is Project Collaboration. For instance, if you and your collaborators are working on the same project, once you load new keywords to the project, this will immediately appear on the screen of other collaborators without them having to reload their pages.  This is a more efficient way for more than one user to work on the same project live.

Competitor Analysis

This is an important SEO activity. If you don’t track the movement of your competitors, you may never be able to outrank them on SERPS. The whole idea in SEO is pushing everyone else behind you and striving for the first position. The most efficient way to achieve this is by analyzing your competitors and trying to do better than them.

In Rankinity, you specify websites you recognize as your competition. The service will then locate and compare how well they perform. This will help you compare your competitors’ visibility and take required steps and adjust your SEO strategies accordingly.

Weighing Keywords

Not all keywords have the same importance. There are primary and secondary keywords.  The team behind Rankinity knew this and provided a feature in the tool that enables you to assign weights to keywords. The weight of a keyword defines the extend to which that keyword influence the overall visibility of your website. the more the weight, the more the influence on your site’s visibility. Here is an excellent article on Rankinity blog that explains the concept of website visibility. Check out the article here!

Working with more than 1 search engine

With Rankinity, you can monitor the position of your website in many more search engines. Though Google is the major player in the industry, there are several other search engines that can drive a considerable amount of traffic you cannot neglect. While this tool is very efficient at monitoring your position in different search engines, it can also help you discover which search engine is driving your traffic.

Dominate local market with Rankinity

While you may be poorly ranked globally, you may be doing well in a certain country or city. You need a suitable seo ranking tool to discover your position locally so as to adjust your SEO activities for better ranking.

With Rankinity, you can dick quite deep and track your SEO ranking in cities of countries. If you have an online store that serves a local community, this is a perfect tool to help you stand out in your city.

Who is growing fast in your industry ?

Everyday, new websites come up and enter your competitors list. Some of these new websites may become so active and begin to climb really fast.

Some old sites can suddenly become more active and start moving up really quick too. You will need a tool to discover these fast players and adjust accordingly.

While playing around Rankinity, I found out it has a unique feature that allows you to analyze search engine results for the entire keyword list a specific project. The beauty of this feature is that it will help you quickly discover rapidly growing websites and individual pages. I found a document that shows you how to analyze search engine results using Rankinity. Check it out here

Some more Rankinity features

I mentioned above that this online  SEO Tool has lots of features to help webmasters and SEO specialists as they put up strategies to rank websites in any search engine. Here are more of these features;

Make money with Rankinity

I found out there are two ways to make money while working on this platform.  That means you may not have to worry about paying Rankinity bills as it has a money making system that can generate enough earnings to fund itself.

Here are the two ways to make money on the platform;

  1. Become an affiliate and earn 30% on sales  – That means you promote the platform and drive traffic to it through your affiliate link. Anyone signs up and makes payment, you get 30% of what is paid.
  2. Re-brand the platform, set your prices and make your sales. This is a reseller opportunity that helps you promote Rankinity as your product. However, they handle 100% of the technical and updating/Upgrading tasks making it a no-stress business for you.

Let me hear from you

Which rank tracking tool are you using? Does it have the real time tracking feature? Share your thoughts in the comment box. Check out Rankinity and create your free account. No credit card needed

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