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9 Ways to make money with WordPress (WP Profitable Business Ideas)

In this post, I want to discuss with you how to make money with WordPress. How to create a profitable business that generates income using WordPress.


Because WordPress powers over 30% of the Internet. This makes it an industry. Yes. I believe WordPress has ceased from being a product by virtue of it constantly growing and attracting the attention of everyone, including corporations and Governments.

You can build a supper profitable, million dollar business just on WordPress and I want us to see how. If you’ve been looking for a financially rewarding business idea, I’ve got you covered.

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Build a profitable business and make money with WordPress?

I’m going to give you huge money making ideas (with examples) you can copy any time from today. Some of the examples are million dollar companies that are based uniquely on WordPress.

It’s important you note that WordPress initially is a Content Management System for Internet content production and distribution. However, the community behind this PHP based script has pushed it far beyond the limits of content publishing.

I’m not going to bug you with these stories. Let’s dive straight to these highly lucrative business ideas to help you make money with WordPress.

1 – Create a blog dedicated to WordPress.

One of the quickest ways to make money with WordPress is to a blog everything WordPress. A good example is wpkube

As the community and the marketplace grows, the demand for knowledge also grows. People need free source of information and how-to guides to help them do one or more things with WordPress.

Your WordPress dedicated blog can be a source of actionable information that attracts readers day and that. This allows you to make money with WordPress by monetizing in different ways:

2 – Create WordPress Themes Business

The WordPress core focuses on content management. Design aesthetics is not its business for a start. But its users have different design needs. This gives room for growing demand for custom designs and themes for different WordPress websites and blogs.

WordPress on its own is a skeleton. It’s the framework or the essential supporting structure of any website.

Given that more than 30% of websites on the Internet run on WordPress (and each of these websites seeks to be unique), you see the huge need for theme developers. These millions of websites have different design needs that cannot be met by the traditional WordPress Themes repository.

Some very successful WordPress theme developers that are raking thousands and millions of dollars monthly include ThriveThemes, StudioPress, Elegant Themes, Thesis Themes, etc.

3 – Create WordPress Plugins Business

Plugins are simply pieces of programs that add to the functionalities of the WordPress core system. The main WordPress script is meant to do simple content management. But users have found these functionalities to be too limited. This gives rise to plugin development.

For instance, WordPress in its origin will be unable to manage eCommerce shop. But that doesn’t mean it cannot run a full blown eCom website. Plugins are what make it quite easy to create highly professional and secured online shopping sites with WordPress.

Plugin examples and ideas abound. There are thousands of these plugins in the repository but these are far from meeting the demand needs.

4 – Create a dedicated WordPress Hosting

With the growing number of WordPress websites, there is need for optimized web servers to handle specific WordPress hosting requirements.

There are different web servers out there to handle the hosting of any website. But the WordPress environment requires dedicated resources and skills to offer premium services to users.

One of the ways to make money with WordPress is to create a dedicated WordPress Hosting company. As new WordPress sites pop up daily, the demand for this service is constantly growing.

Some highly successful dedicated WordPress hosting providers include Kinsta, WPX Hosting, WP Engine, etc.

Cloud hosting is a modern technology that uses many servers. Unlike conventional hosting, such as shared, VPS, or dedicated hosting where your data is on a single machine, your information spreads across numerous servers. If you’re maxing out on bandwidth and storage space on one, you can draw on another for resources.

5 – Create WordPress Tutorials platform

People are loving WordPress and getting into it every day as users, plugin or theme developers, etc. Most of these new users must go through a learning curve.

The WordPress tutorial business is in huge demand. Creating a business that focuses on teaching users specific areas of WordPress could be very profitable.

There are different approaches to this:

6 – Design WordPress Websites for clients

Many businesses out there have the need for different types of websites. Fortunately, WordPress is so flexible that it allows for the creation of different websites for different businesses.

With this tool, you do not need to be an HTML or PHP guru to create highly professional news websites, eCommerce sites, business websites or blogs.

All you need is to tap into the rich plugin and themes world and you will be able to create any type of website for your clients.

To make things super easy, some developers have come up with rich content builders for WordPress. These allow you to drag and drop elements to build landing pages, signup forms, shopping carts, etc.

7 – Create a WordPress security business

WordPress is open source. This means the source code is available to anyone that cares about it. This to an extent makes it vulnerable to attacks.

Evil doers create malware that attack and bring down WordPress sites daily. WordPress files get easily infected either locally or remotely especially if the hosting service provider is not dedicated.

There is a constantly rise for the need of WordPress security service. This makes is a profitable business opportunity that allows anyone to make money with WordPress. Here is an example of WordPress security business.

8 – Create a dedicated WordPress SEO Business

Doing SEO for WordPress sites can be tricky and needs qualified SEO professionals. Not everyone that does SEO can effectively optimize WordPress websites for better ranking in search engines. This is because SEO for WordPress is different.

Though WordPress makes it easy to optimize for search engines, there is a lot that needs to be done that’s unknown to many WP site owners.

There are different ways you can do this and be successful:

9 – Write books on WordPress

I want to see this as different from setting a WordPress tutorial platform. As a WordPress user, you can write different books on different areas of WordPress and sell for profit.

Wrapping up

As you can see, there are many ways to make money with WordPress. As the CMS has grown to a big industry, it opens up many business creation avenues for smart online marketers.

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