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How To Scan Your Site for SEO Errors Free of Charge

How To Scan Your Site for Errors Free of Charge

Having a website is almost a must these days. The World is going digital at a fast pace. To keep up, you must do the same. You have probably gone through the whole ordeal – came up with a topic or a product, researched the best sites to build a website on, and finally, you have constructed your site. The thing is, something might feel off.

Unless you are a pro at SEO managing (and even then), you are bound to make some mistakes. It is inevitable. Even the best of the best have that happen to them. We are all human, after all. But, how can you spot and fix those mistakes?

Well, worry not. Today, we’re going to show you a site that will help you correct your site’s SEO errors in no time.

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Aside from just hosting, there’s a myriad of other things that could go wrong. But you can easily scan your site for free and find out where the problem is. Allow us to introduce

What is

Wiredelta and Webtechpreneur partnered up to bring us this site. It functions as a free tool to analyze any website. Made up of APIs, WebsiteSEOstats pulls its analysis from trusted sources like Google Page Speed. We are going to show you how it works and what it has to offer. We will do that by using a test site as an example.

How to get an SEO issue analysis?

This step is quite simple. Copy the URL of the site you want to analyze, go to, paste it into the bar, and press review. You will get your SEO report in a matter of minutes.


After the tool analyzes your site, you will get an overview of the score. This way, you get to see just what percentage of your site passes the analysis. You also get a preview of the categories that the report contains. Another thing that you can do is choose to download your report, compare it to other sites, update or share it. Handy, huh?

Our test site got a 72. Now we will cover the most important fields and where the site is lacking.

Search Engine Optimization

The SEO section of the report contains several categories, but we will focus on the following:

Title Tag

Ah, the first category in our exciting journey through SEO error analysis. Our test site failed this one. The reason? Too many characters. An ideal title contains between 10 and 70 characters (including spaces). The title tag should be unique to each page, explicit, and have your most important keywords.

Meta Description

No, this is not Zuckerberg’s type of Meta. A meta description lets you influence how your website gets described and displayed in search results. Pay attention to three things: character count (between 100 and 300 characters for this category), uniqueness, and your most important keywords.

Your meta description acts as an organic advertisement, so it should be enticing. That way, you will maximize your click-through rate.


This category is a little bit tougher to solve. It also may look a bit confusing. What even are headers? Well, they are an essential part of the overall on-page SEO strategy of your site. Google, and other search engines alike, like to use them to swiftly crawly through a page.

That way, they decide how to rank your content. Header tags help Google perceive your content and also help people read more efficiently.

Headings come in six levels (H1 – H6). The first level (H1) should contain your most important keywords. Each page should have an H1 tag but never use more than one per page. Anything else goes to the H2-H6 tags.

Google Preview

Time to see what that site of yours looks like on a search engine. Google Preview shows you how the combo of your Title Tag and Meta Description look like in Google’s search results. If you are lacking in either department, the search engine will fill in the blanks.


Let us see how well you know your target audience. The Keyword Cloud shows you how many times you have used a keyword per page. Keyword Consistency will show you how often you have used a keyword, where you have used it, and how consistent you have been. It is crucial to keep keywords up-to-date. To do so, you can find many free research tools available online.

XML Sitemap

When crawlers go through your site, it is always good to have additional information like your website’s latest update, the importance of URLs, and frequencies of changes. That way, search engines can crawl your site more intelligently.

That’s the purpose of the XML Sitemap file. Generate one, submit it to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools, and you are good to go.

Domain Registration

When you register a domain, you may not be aware of its expiration date. Well, WebsiteSEOstats is. Once you do your site analysis, this tool will show you how old your domain is, when it was last updated, and when it expires. You can even register some for up to 10 years, so do your research well.

WHOIS data

You can use WHOIS domain information to determine the proper contact for any domain listed in their database. That way, you can get the administrator contact info, billing contact, and technical contact for each domain name listing or IP address in the WHOIS database.

Backlinks Counter

When switching from one job to another, you will almost always list your old employers as references. Even better, at times, you will get a letter of recommendation. That is what backlinks are for your site. They point to your site from other sites. The report will show whether you have any or if you need to improve on that front.

Final Thoughts

Anyone who owns a website should care about their SEO rankings. They can make or break you. That is precisely the reason why is such a handy tool. We have listed some of the most valuable categories that come with the report, but they have much more to offer. Head over today and get your site scanned for SEO errors.

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