1 Important Blogging Distinction to Make

Some bloggers tell me they have blogged for 3 years. Claiming this experience, said bloggers consider themselves to be experienced bloggers.

But in some cases, said bloggers have only owned their domain and hosting for 3 years. How much blogging have they done during the 3 years? 100 hours. 200 hours. Maybe less than 100 hours.

How long you owned your domain and hosting has nothing to do with how many specific hours you spent blogging because blogging success finds bloggers who spend thousands of hours generously helping people.

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Blogging Is a Skill with Many Moving Parts

I intend to write a guest post beneficial to Enstine and his audience.

I also want to connect with readers intrigued by blogging tips. I run a blogging tips blog. Gotta make this post appealing to folks who’d dig Blogging From Paradise.

Where did I find the topic for this blog post? I researched Quora. Aspiring bloggers simplify questions. Some crave huge traffic. Others want big results, fast. Blogging is a skill with many moving parts.

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How to Become a Pro Blogger by Being Quite Imperfect

The Perfection Curse cripples most bloggers.

Thank goodness I never fell into this category.

I am all for looking professional, conveying a trusted brand image and being a blogger 100% committed to building a blog the right way. But I am very imperfect. Ok; I am quite imperfect. Much of what I do makes little sense to most bloggers.

I barely have an email list. My writing style makes purists cringe. I broke so many rules I may as well be blogging off the grid metaphorically, which is fitting because I do so sometimes, geographically.

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Never Follow Blogging Advice from these 3 People

not to follow

Before you become a successful blogger you need to learn how to blog.

Learning how to blog seems confusing at first because a torrent of blogging advice seems to knock on your cyber door daily. Google, Facebook, Twitter and various online forums provide you with ample blogging advice but is it good advice? Or is it bad blogging advice?

I struggled mightily for many years because I followed bad blogging advice from bad bloggers. My fault. But you do not need to make the same mistake. A few distinct types of bloggers set off red flags when you notice these individuals.

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4 Tips to Not Waste Time Online (How to become more productive)

Time saving tips for bloggers

Time is one of your most precious online business resources.

Unfortunately, most online entrepreneurs squander their time like it is unlimited resource. Most online failure roots itself in wasting your time on tasks that do not matter.

Some folks give their attention and energy to business-building tasks but waste too much time on a specific task. I just wrote and self-published my 124th ebook in about 8 hours, spanning over 2 days. I know entrepreneurs who spend weeks or even months writing their ebook before publishing it. This is insane to me. It’s a simple ebook.

Time wasting occurs in many forms.

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Do You Undervalue Your Blogging Real Estate?

I have never owned a home.

Nor do I have a desire to own a home, as long as I circle the globe as a digital nomad.

The man who designed the concept of duty free shops you see in airports actually comes from the same birth town as me in the United States.

He was worth $5 billion at his wealthiest and never owned a home or car, circling the globe, living with friends and sometimes renting apartments. Even as I make more dough, I see myself living the same way.

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